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Articles Written by Grace Ovba

Five things you need to change in life to be mentally strong


‘Mentally strong’ - These are people who are adaptable in their thinking and open minded to new evidence. They don’t cling to existing beliefs if they no longer seem valid or relevant. People feel fear but do not let it stop them from moving forward...Most problems are created by our distorted thinking. (www.mentalhelp.net)

Looking at life from the professional lenses of a psychotherapist, some practices need to be changed to bring about mental strength and positivity. Below are changes you need to imbibe to be mentally stronger.

Practice Gratitude: Identify the little things you are grateful for. Examples being alive, the gift of family and friends, health. This is a step that transforms your mindset. You pay more attention to things you have rather than what you don’t possess. start a gratitude journal daily or weekly. Identify and

Give up Negative Habits: Be attentive to bad habits that rob you of mental strength. Next, be aware of the bad habits- like being a perfectionist. Devote efforts into replacing, reframing them with healthier alternatives and achieve your goals.

Taking Positive Actions: in life we experience bad moments. This should not stop us from moving forward with our aspirations. We need to turn a negative experience into positives to facilitate advancement. Don’t feel sorry for yourself but take baby steps, never give up and create an atmosphere that supports your drive to build possibilities.

Managing Unhealthy Thought Patterns: Furthermore, to be mentally strong our emotions and thoughts need to be controlled. When we identify negative mindsets as individuals we have to replace, reframe and realign our thoughts by giving clear instructions to our mind. This is done with positive statements…’ I will succeed.’ The way we think invariably affects how you feel and behave. Attentiveness, is needed here, you’ll notice themes like ‘ not taking risks.’

Become Your Best and Strongest Self: Taking time and practically something continuously make you the best at it. Mental strength requires dedication. When you build your mental muscle and capabilities, you’re at your best; attaining your greatest achievements. Endeavour to practice mental strength exercises.
